ICE Arch Ltd – We Are Open !
Our thoughts are with everyone affected by Covid-19. Obviously there is currently a lot of uncertainty and worry. We want to reassure you that ICE Arch Ltd will continue to offer the great service on which we have built our reputation, even with the unprecedented events going on here and around the world.
At ICE Arch Ltd, we are monitoring and acting-on daily the requirements and guidance of the Governments and Public Health Authorities of England and Wales. Our focus is on the health and well-being of our team, our clients, and all those we do business with.
We are mindful that we deal with many small businesses and individuals whose livelihood is under threat. It is vital, therefore, that we maintain our usual level of activity and service.
The Governments’ advice is to reduce face-to-face contact and eliminate non-essential travel.
ICE Arch Ltd offers video meetings, plus email and phone contact, to all our clients and business contacts. Our team is working ‘out-of-office’ but it is in every other way very much ‘business as usual’. We are grateful that we have the infrastructure and capability to continue and enjoy what we do best – delivering architectural services on really exciting and interesting projects.
The submission of planning applications, handling queries, and notification of outcomes are all done electronically, so no changes are needed.
The nature of construction work is such that specialists and contractors can continue normally, or with minor adjustments to working practices, to maintain ‘social separation’.
Thus, there is no need for there to be a slump in activity, followed by overload when the emergency is over.
ICE Arch Ltd has some current projects that are fascinating. We look forward to delivering on these and future projects, and sharing news of their progress with you.
Our best wishes from all at ICE Arch Ltd. Stay safe.
Alison Taylor-Stokes
Director – ICE Arch Ltd.